The Community Alliance Trust in Craigmillar took over the White House and run it as a community facility since 2013. We are keen to hear the views of people who live and work in the area. Please can we ask you to take a few minutes to click on the email link and tell us your views and hopefully we will be able to make them come to fruition.
Please can we ask you to take a few minutes to click on the email link and tell us your views and hopefully we will be able to make them come to fruition.
The goal is to leverage streets to enhance environmental quality and the sense of place in Craigmillar.
They're aiming to preserve and spruce up old buildings and special spots with history, while also making sure the countryside feel of the Green Belt stays intact.
Local Plan, both St Francis and Niddrie Mill primary schools have been relocated to a new joint campus site on Niddrie Mains Drive.
Local Plan aims to maintain a prosperous and competitive city economy and to direct investment to sustainable and accessible locations.
The vision of PARC is for Craigmillar to grow dramatically – from a population of around 7,500 in 2004, back towards 15,000.
In Craigmillar, like in many communities, there are social issues that need addressing, from unemployment to poverty and lack of access to resources. However, the community is not sitting idly by; there'.$comma.'s a strong spirit of collaboration and support through initiatives like the Community Alliance.
In Craigmillar, community care is a cornerstone of daily life, with residents looking out for one another in times of need.
A development timeline in Craigmillar serves as a visual narrative of the community'.$comma.'s evolution over time. It documents significant milestones, from the initial stages of planning and construction to the completion of various projects and infrastructure enhancements..
Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card'.$comma.'s content.