Laast Update: 2024-05-12
In the coming months we will populate the noticeboard with events and project work CAT are delivering. First date for your diary is Saturday 29 June,11am till 2pm at the Craigmillar Library, Know Your Own Neighbourhood. The ground Floor of the Library and the Neighbourhood Office will be taken up 35 third sector organisations, community groups and statutory bodies. So, if you want to know what is happening in your area or you need some advice, we know the people who will keep you informed.
The White House was officially re-opened by Alex Neil MSP on Wednesday the 18th of September 2013. Since then we have offered healthy food options through the White House Kitchen and space is also available for a variety of functions and event catering.
In early 2014 a joint landscaping project between Castlebrae Community High School and Holy Rood RC High School saw raised planters being constructed in the car park at the rear of the building. We are currently looking for a few green-fingered volunteers who would be interested in helping to grow fresh herbs and vegetables that can be used in our community food project. All volunteers will be given guidance CAT's garden team and can take some of the produce home.
Since its inception, the work of the Community Alliance Trust has depended on the time and effort local volunteers. Their enthusiastic endeavours have been greatly appreciated, whether digging and planting in the community gardens of simple offering someone a warm welcome in the Green House Pantry, CAT wouldn’t be the same without their commitment. If you want to give a helping hand we want to hear from you, contact us on
0131 652 6320
Just remember your safety is paramount to us, all volunteers will be given guidance by CAT's garden or pantry teams. If you are in the gardens, you are more that welcome to take some of your hard labours home with our thanks.
If you would like to inquire about any CAT projects running from or in the Whitehouse or are interested in using our services then please feel free to contact us to discuss your requirements further.